About me

I am a master’s student in Computer Science at Simon Fraser University with Sharan Vaswani, working on Reinforcement Learning theory from an optimization perspective. Specifically, my research has resulted in practical entropy-regularized policy gradient algorithms with proven convergence guarantees. The paper featuring my work was accepted for an oral presentation (top-5% contribution) in the 2023 NeurIPS OPT Workshop.

From 2017-2022, I studied for a bachelor’s in Computer Engineering at Amirkabir University of Technology, which ranks 2nd among the country’s universities in computer sciences according to the 2024 Times thematic ranking. I achieved straight A’s in all computer science courses, earning a 4 /4 major GPA. My BSc thesis was a comparison between Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning algorithms for portfolio management.

In high school, I studied for the Iranian National Olympiad in Informatics, a series of exams assessing knowledge of mathematics, algorithms, and coding skills. I advanced to the 3rd stage of the Computer Olympiad, which only 80 students reached.

At age 11, I qualified as a member of the National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents, where I found my interest in coding and started developing C++ programs, fascinated by how fast computers can explore the solution space of mathematical problems.